Made to Burn

John Wesley is often quoted saying, “Light yourself on fire with passion and people will come from miles to watch you burn.” It strikes me that he doesn’t say “do something perfectly,” or “with great excellence,” or “be really unique.” No, what people are drawn to, more than precision, perfection, attraction, is passion. You can see this clearly in my grandfather, Dandy. He is a retired minister and has been to 100s of weddings. At my wedding I made the service very worshipful. There was music, scripture, teaching, unique vows. I wanted the night to all about Jesus, and it was. Afterwards I asked Dandy what his favorite part of the night was and he said, “I loved watching the young people dance during the reception.” I was surprised to say the least! But looking back on the photos, there Dandy was, smiling as he watched college students make a fool of themselves to “Mr. Brightside.” More than anything else, Dandy loved watching people do something with great passion.

We long to be passionate about something. Constantly, we are seeking hobbies, topics, or issues to spend our passion on. Being passionate is a core human desire. If we do not long to be passionate about something then I believe that something may not be quite right in our hearts. What has been lost in cultural Christianity is that we can be passionate about Jesus. Indeed, we CAN, and SHOULD be passionate about Jesus.

When the two disciples walked on the road to Emmaus with Jesus, the remembered “Did not our hearts burn with us as he opened up to us the scriptures.” When we are with Jesus our hearts can and should burn. If you have never considered making Jesus your one all consuming passion, you can be confident that he will not disappoint you. A life given away to Jesus is a life well spent. A college career given to Jesus and a college career spent the best way possible. If you remember days when your heart was aflame for Jesus but have allowed the fire to die, I want to encourage you to once again fan the flame of the gift of God given to you. If your heart does not burn in the presence of Jesus anymore, I want you to search your heart and ask “Why not?” Jesus has not changed, he is the same. It us who can grow discontent when we forget all the benefits of Jesus. However, it only takes one moment of recognizing the gift of grace handed to us through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus to once again burn for him. It only takes a cursory read of Acts to remember all that is possible when the Holy Spirit enters the story to live each day with new excitement for how we may be a vessel for the Lord today.

May we be lit on fire with passion as we begin to understand the passion that God has for us, and would that draw people from all corners of campus to the feet of Jesus.

Come, Holy Spirit.


The price of awakening.