come awake

Ephesians 5:14 says “Awake, O sleeper and arise from the dead and Christ will shine on you.”

My prayer for CCGA has been that the campus would be awakened to the love of God. With that phrase I mean to communicate that I believe campuses across America have fallen asleep. Students are bored and have been driven to apathy. I believe God wants more for you than to stumble through life in a slumber! He desires you to be awake! This means carrying excitement, being a part of community, and investing in the people around you. I believe that people are only truly awakened when they have an encounter with their heavenly Father who made them, loves them, and jealously longs for them. Often times evangelists try to awaken people through guilt, shame, and hell fire preaching. I believe that is not the mission of Jesus. Over and over again he treats the broken hearted tenderly and with great affection. That is the way I believe that he wants to awaken campus America. Through his kindness, mercy, and friendship. Hear me, when people encounter Christ, they become aware of their sin problem, but only because they have encountered genuine, unconditional love for the first time in their lives.

I quote Ephesians 5 because it is quickly becoming a verse I pray over this campus. It has three movements:

  • Wake up from your slumber

  • Be resurrected from the dead

  • Allow the light of Christ to expose the darkness in and around you

I believe praying this simple prayer over yourself and your campus will bring about the transformation we are longing for.

For Awakening,



